the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Month: November 2009 (Page 1 of 2)

The Ideal Gift

I love the holiday season. So much joy and gift-giving. I spent all weekend scouring the internet looking for BlackFriday and CyberMonday deals that I could share with my dear readers.

I love you guys!

I do have something special for you, my valued friends and readers of this blog. This year, why not give the gift that everyone WANTS this Christmas and Hannukah?! Today only, from 9AM to 11PM — run, don’t walk, to the run-down liquor store on any street corner of any high-crime neighborhood to buy this ideal Christmas gift.

A case of Camel cigarettes, in a special Holiday red-and-gold gift box! And remember, just say “Neilochka sent me for the smokes!” for a free Camel keychain!

Plus, as a thank you for participating in the ongoing Great Interview Experiment and the upcoming 4th Annual Blogger Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert, I will be giving away one free carton to a very lucky person!

The rules for this giveaway are extremely simple. Just leave a comment telling me your favorite Holiday smoking story, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr, post three photos of your Christmas tree or menorah on your blog, with links back to me, and lastly, email me a ten page essay on “Why Smoking Isn’t As Bad As They Say,” to my email address at neil@smokingisgood-dotcom.

What are the holidays all about? Egg Nog. Christmas Bells. Santa. And a cool-looking Camel cigarette (as seen recently on the sexy hit TV show Mad Men).

Take a break this holiday season, and enjoy. Make it Camel time.

Courtesy of Citizen of the Month.

(This is a sponsored post, but the small payment I received has no bearing on my honest review of this wonderful product. The fact that I don’t smoke has nothing to do with any “alleged” health fears that were created by crackpot “doctors,” and only with my inability to light a match or use a lighter effectively. It sometimes takes me ten minutes just to get a lighter to work. It is my thumb. I just cannot make the flint click. As for regular matches, I am always crushing the match and throwing it out before I get it to light. If I didn’t have these issues with lighters and matches, I would be enjoying a pleasurable Camel cigarette just like you.)

On a serious note, here is a great video of Schmutzie, saying why she quit smoking this year. Keep it up, Schmutzie!

The 2009 Blogger Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert Sign-Up Sheet


Happy Thanksgiving.   Tomorrow, Santa Claus made his first appearance at the Thanksgiving Day Parade, which means only one thing — Macy’s is open for business!    Uh, I mean its the start of this special Holiday season.

To me, nothing says “holiday” more than song.  And nothing brings more joy to the children of the world than the annual Blogger Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert, now in its fourth year! Now, this NEVER gets old!

(2006)  (2007)  (2008)

Last year was a smashing success.  After the concert, our sponsors were so pleased with the feedback, that they arranged for a 45 city tour in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Israel, and Lithiuania with the entire cast!

“Bloggers Live 2008” was a sell-out in every city!   And who would have guessed that our opening act, “The Five Mommybloggers” would go Platinum and #1 with their rousing version of “I Wish it Could Be Christmas Every Day?”

“The Five Mommybloggers” in the “Bloggers Live” finale.

Who will be this year’s breakout artist?

You know the rules —

Sign-up, promising to perform a Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa song, poem, or interpretive dance for the concert.   The online concert will be published on December 17th, so please send me the file or link, either audio or video,  by December 15th.   All file formats accepted.

Look over the list of participants and try not to repeat the same songs more than twice.  You do not have to be talented to participate.   Heart, spirit, and cojones are more important.

Contact me with any technical questions.

This has been a year of ups and downs for many of us in the blogosphere.  There has been much sadness.  The holidays will be hard for some of us because it is so focused on celebration.  I hope the concert will be an uplifting voice for those who need it, and symbolic of a peaceful and healing 2010.

And now, as master of ceremonies, I open up the curtain to the sign up sheet —

The Free Turkey


My mother doesn’t like to waste money, and similar to many other Jewish mothers of her generation, she can sense a sale at Loehmann’s from miles away.

Which brings me to Thanksgiving.

Recently, a new supermarket took over in the space across the street.  At first, everyone in my apartment building loved the shiny new store because it was clean, had a brightly-lit produce section, and the check-out people said “Thank You,” something previously unheard of in a Queens supermarket.  The local customers froze in shock upon hearing these words, as if they had just entered an alternative universe.

But these niceties came at a huge price. The supermarket was stingy on sales.  The previous supermarket had a cluttered appearance, like a desk covered in post-it notes.  Everywhere you looked, there were colorful, mismatched stickers and hanging banners screaming out a new promotion, such as “Canned Peas!  Buy One, Get One Free!”

These constant promotions served two purposes — they created excitement and they distracted the customers from focusing on the unorganized shelving and inept customer service.

There were few sales at this new, more upscale store, and never on anything that people really needed as a necessity.  Last week’s big promotion was for “Fresh Halibut at $8.99 a pound.”

The bomb dropped this week when rumors spread throughout the apartment building that the supermarket wasn’t even going to offer a free turkey for Thanksgiving (usually for spending $25 dollars in purchase, with one per customer, of course)!  This had been a Holiday tradition with the supermarkets in this spot for the last forty years.   It was a tradition held as sacred to Queens residents as nativity scenes are to those who live in the mid-West.

My mother was very upset at the supermarket.

Now I can hear some of you grumbling and snickering at home.

“How cheap are you people in Queens?  Why don’t you pay for your own freaking turkey?  That’s what is wrong with liberals — always looking for a hand-out!”

Before you pontificate, let me try to explain this in a language that you will understand.

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning and go on Twitter, and you are greeted by a smiling cartoon Twitter bird with  the message, “We have finally figured out how to make money with Twitter.  Please pay $10 a month if you want access to your account.  Thanks.”   Are you going to say, “What a clever business model?”    Or are you going to be pissed, used to getting the milk from the cow for free?!

Think about that as you snicker!

You should also understand that my mother is a dangerous woman.  She is strong-willed AND retired, which means she is stubborn AND has too much time on her hands.

“I heard the supermarket on 164th Street is giving you a free turkey if you spend $25 dollars,” she said.

“You want to go all the way to 164th Street just for a turkey?  Is someone driving there?”

“No, I thought we’d walk over with the shopping wagon.”

“That supermarket is over a mile away!”


“Let’s just get it downstairs.  I’ll pay for the turkey.”

“No, it’s the principle of the thing.  Getting the free turkey is an essential part of Thanksgiving.  It’s like the Indians sharing their food with the Pilgrims.”

“And look what happened to the Indians.”

“If you don’t want to go, I’ll go myself and schlep the wagon up the hill, along with the heavy turkey, so everyone in the building will see me breathing heavy, walking two miles, and wondering if you’re sooooo “busy” at home writing one of your porno posts for your blog that you couldn’t help your mother carrying the turkey.”

“Nice,” complimenting her guilt shtick.

“Besides, you did say that you wanted to exercise more.”

I lost the battle.  Off we went to get our free turkey.

When we returned home, we were exhausted, and my back hurt from pushing the shopping wagon, filled with groceries and a 14 pound frozen turkey.

“So, honestly, Mom…” I asked.  “Was schlepping all this way just to get a free turkey really worth it?”

“Absolutely,” she replied, as she placed the frozen turkey in the bottom of the refrigerator to start its long thaw.

(note to Sarah Gilbert.   Next year,  I will try a Heritage turkey, which I never even heard of before until you mentioned it on Twitter!)

Too Small, Too Big, Just Right


“Does your wife or girlfriend think you are too “big,” too “small,” or “just right” in the bedroom?” asked the dude with the glasses, trendy t-shirt, beard, and clipboard.

I had just left the 42nd Street Library and was walking down the street, passing the headquarters of a major pay-channel cable network.

“Huh?” I asked.  I’m used to tourists asking for directions to the Empire State Building, but never this.

“I’m with the show “Honest Sex Stories” and we’re interviewing people today in the street.  You can be on TV!”

I noticed a cameraman and soundman lurking in the background, in front of the “Hearty Soup” cafe.

“You want me to talk about my penis size on TV?”

He assured me that the show gets a large audience, and has been nominated for an Emmy.

I know that it is everyone’s dream of being on TV.  We all want Oprah’s job when she leaves.  I read tweets about mommybloggers on CNN.  Redneck Mommy is now on Canadian TV every week!  I would love to feel special too, but do I really want this to be my opening act on the small screen?

Twitter January 2010

@RT Neilochka – hey, gang, watch me on Honest Sex Stories tonight where I talk about my penis size!

As a professional blogger, I decided to talk to this “street interviewer” as a peer, an equal.  After all, as the master of ceremonies of the Great Interview Experiment, I know a little bit about interviewing myself, and I didn’t want him to just think of me as some dumb schlub he just picked up off the street.

“So, how many people have you interviewed already?”

“We’re just starting the process.”

I wanted to show him how sharp I was with my knowledge.

“You realize that you’re NOT going to get too many men admitting that they are “too small.”  If anything, you are going to get guys insisting that they are “too big.”

“We know that already.  That’s why we’re interviewing women too.”


I thought about this for a second.  What would I do with this footage if I was trying to be “entertaining” on some cable sex show?

“So, basically, you’re going to intercut men saying they’re too big with the women saying they’re too small?”

“Something like that.”

“So, whatever I would say right now, doesn’t really matter.  You could edit me in with some woman saying, “He has the smallest dick in the world,” and the audience will think she is talking about me.”

“That’s unlikely, but it is up to the director and video editors.  They’ll be some paperwork that you’ll need to sign before…”

“So, tell me again.  Why would I want to do this?”

“You’ll be on TV!”

“What’s your dick size?” I asked.


“You work for a sex show.  Surely you know your own dick size.”

“Average.  A little more.  About six inches, I guess”

“Great.  Can I take a photo of you right now with my iPhone?”

“Why would you do that?”

“I run a blog called Citizen of the Month.  I’d like to write a post about you, telling my readers about your dick size.  Would that be OK with you? I get a lot of readers!  This would be a great opportunity for you!”

The Great Interview Experiment – Week 2

To sign up to participate, add you name to the comments here.

Welcome to the second week of completed GIE interviews!

Do we we learn anything new about our community this week by reading about their lives and dreams?

Absolutely! The blogging community is comprised of a bunch of weirdos! Well, not all of them, but clearly bloggers are an odd bunch if characters, mismatched in the same way that the A-Team was hobbled together as an elite military team.

But as with the A-Team, bloggers are somehow able to work through their individual biases in order to solve each case and stop the bad guys.

What specifically did we learn this week? Well, we learned that:

Ann from “Ann’s Rants” is a perfectionist in her writing.
Jayne interviews Ann

Sarah from “Sarah and the Goon Squad” can use the HOV lane because she has twins!
Natalie interviews Sarah

Danielle from “Knotty Yarn” hopes to one day meet her biological father.
Girl Vaughn interviews Danielle

Christine of “Flutter” is turned on by a Scottish accent.
Danielle of Knotty Yarn interviews Christine

Modernemama lives in a house designed by Andrew Geller
Ozma interviews modernemama

Avitable pees in his pants.
Rimarama interviews Avitable

LZ from “Messy Paradise” finds it difficult to quit drinking coffee.
Voix de Michele interviews LZ

Danny of “Jew Eat Yet” once got a letter back from Roald Dahl!
NeCole interviews Danny

The Princess of the Universe likes to re-create cakes from photos.
Abigail Road interviews the Princesess of the Universe

Veach of “Snapperhead” creates kaleidoscope-type visual renderings.
Multi-Tasking Mom interviews Veach

-R-‘s prize possession is a quilt his grandmother made.
Magpie interviews -R-

Wench sees her namesake as a positive badge of honor.
Tiny Mantras interviews Wench

Tiny Mantras attends a Tibetan Buddhist temple.
Princess of the Universe interviews Tiny Mantras

Nat from “Nat’s Brain” ran in a 200 mile relay race.
Modernemama interviews Nat

Natalie of “The Bobby Pin” hopes to have an MBA in five years.
Average Jane interviews Natalie

Marcy of “the Glamorous Life Association” was the teacher’s pet in school.
Poolhall Ace interviews Marcy

Erika of Dryink is passionate about children’s books.
The Fabricated Goddess interviews Erika

Zeptimius Hedrapor adores the early 20th century American comic Krazy Kat.
Anna at ABDPBT interviews Zeptimius Hedrapor

Tatiana’s favorite museum is the National Geographic Museum in D.C.
MamaKaren interviews Tatiana

Blaiser’s number one influence on his sense of humor is his father.
Kelly interviews Blaiser

Lesley of Peregrinations enjoys photographing old, rusty dilapidated things.
Blaiser interviews Lesley

Anna of ABDPBT sees the importance in being a muckraker online.
Marinka interviews Anna

Also, as many of you know, a fellow personal blogger, Anissa Mayhew, a 35 year old mother of three, had a stroke this week and is still in the hospital. She has many friends online. During the last Great Interview Experiment in 2008, Anissa was interviewed by Fear and Parenting in Las Vegas. You can read that interview here.

Here is the official Caring Bridge site for Anissa if you want to learn more, or want to help.

Come back next week for GIE, week 3!

99 Billion Served


“God, inspire me,” I say as I look up at the stars in the night sky through the window inside McDonald’s, where I sit on the hard, bright yellow plastic bench typical of the fast-food chain, sipping my small, tepid coffee, which cost me only a dollar during a promotion running for the month of November.

God says nothing.

Cindi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” plays on the speakers, but I doubt this is God’s specific message for me.  Nowhere in the Torah have I ever read, “When the working day is done/ Girls – they want to have fun.”

A group of raucous black teenagers eat Big Macs and cheeseburgers at the next table.   Their dialogue about school is as sprinkled with vulgar obscenities as the salt is on their greasy fries.

I gaze out the window again, hoping for a sign.

And there it is — the McDonald’s sign.   Why did I not see it earlier?   It stands tall, in front of me, blocking my view of the stars and the moon like an urban redwood, or the massive monolith in the movie “2001, A Space Odyssey.”

There are words on this sign.  Words that are familiar to me.  And as a writer, I love words.

99 Billion Served.

Once upon a time, the first McDonald’s opened in San Bernardino, California, and they sold their first juicy patty to an eager teenager looking for a quick bite.  Through the years, this young business franchise journeyed throughout the world, and dominated China, Russia, and the Louvre cafeteria.

99 Billion Served.

What all-American man isn’t inspired by the guts and glory, the charisma and cojones — the manly domination — of McDonald’s?

If life is like a McDonald’s hamburger, then my potential is limitless.  There are new markets to conquer, new adventures.   I can add bacon to my burger.   How about living it up with TWO patties?    Or experimenting with a sesame seed bun?

I hear your message, oh sign.  Thank you, God.  I hear you and I understand.

“If you are loved, like a good hamburger, there is no stopping you from achieving your dreams!  You can grow and grow and grow, like Jack’s beanstalk, reaching into the clouds.  There is no status quo.    You can be “99 billion” in the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness lottery, rising and flourishing, bursting forth into the world, constantly reaching for more.”

Yes, I hear you!

“Where is McDonald’s now on the leader board?” I ask myself, stealing a phrase from the judges on Dancing with the Stars.   Is the company close to 100 Billion Served yet?

“Go for it, my friend!” I shout at a poster of Ronald McDonald.   “Will there be a special event planned?  Will coffee be 89 cents during a promotion?”

I go onto my iphone to read about the famed McDonald’s sign on Wikipedia, and my spirit sinks like a balloon-boy-less balloon.

An early-1970s McDonald’s sign in Austin, Minnesota, showing the number of burgers sold. From 1969, the number was displayed in billions, increasing with every 5 billion. When the total reached 100 billion in 1993, the signs of this era were changed to display 99 billion permanently, as there was only room for two digits.

Huh?  Only room for two digits?


So, McDonald’s just stopped changing the sign because there wasn’t enough room for another digit?  Is a major international corporation really so lazy and bloated that they can’t add one more slat into their famous sign so they can accurately portray how many burgers have been served?  Do they care anymore?  Are they just shoving food out of the drive-thru window without tallying up the sales?

I’m no design genius, but couldn’t McDonald’s create two cards that read “10” and “0” so it would read 100 billion and still only use two slats?  I could create these cards at Kinko’s for them myself… overnight!   I could probably even do this on my printer at home!   I understand fear of change — I still haven’t changed my original blog template and design — but there is a big difference between a lone unpaid blogger in Flushing and one of the most famous corporations in the world?

This McDonald’s sign, lit like a neon beacon, is a false Messiah, like so many before.   She is a sparkly whore.   This is not a sign from God, sent to inspire me to greatness.  “99 Billion” was a message from 1993, a crumbling reminder of  lost focus.  This sign is a fraud, a message of “no change,” the sluggish, slurring words of an overweight billionaire who lost any sense of pride, excitement, lust, or creativity 17 years ago, and now lives life like a pet hamster on his wheel, going in circles.

This is not the life I want to lead.  I will never look for inspiration in a fast food restaurant again.

I curse you, McDonald’s sign.  I curse you, God.  There are no messages tonight.

Thoughts and Prayers For Anissa


Anissa is a fellow blogger, and a friend to a great many.   She is a woman who walks into a room and, without much effort, is the center of attention.  She is very smart… and very bawdy.   She does not play games.  She tells you when something is on her mind.  She unfollowed me twice on Twitter already and then followed me again!  She is all about saying hell with the rules!  I danced with her at BlogHer, and she turned me into a disco-dancing John Travolta.


35-year-old wife and mother of three, Anissa Mayhew, suffered a stroke yesterday and remains in ICU.    My thoughts and prayers are with Anissa and her entire family.

To help Anissa and her family, especially if you are in the Atlanta area, please go here.

Three Very Minor Online Vignettes

A couple of weeks ago, I promised that I would never write another post about blogging because I wanted to be considered a real writer who reflects on the world around me, a modern day journalist/essayist/poet/dramatist using his unique voice to bring you my fascinating perspective on the great issues of the day.   I certainly don’t want to be known as the gimmicky hack who uses the “interview experiment” to blind you to the fact that I’m not writing anything interesting.

Well, as you know, I have a large female readership. And if there is one way that I can be of educational value is to teach women about the culture of men.

Rule #1 – Men LIE!

I announced that  I wasn’t going to write about my online world anymore, and I meant it at the time, but in the same way that your husband said he would never think of another woman naked when he married you.

I do have some real posts somewhere in my head, but I am just not in the mood to write about them. Do you really want to hear about the argument I had with Sophia after we received a letter from the IRS about some unpaid taxes? If yes, too bad. It isn’t a weekend-type post, unless you a manic depressive.

I am going to call this post “Three Very Minor Online Vignettes” because basically, they don’t even deserve to be called anything better, like real “stories.”

1)   The Yahoo Messenger Pop-Up

Yesterday, I went on Yahoo messenger, and this thing-a-ma-gig popped up.


This pop-up interested in me in several ways.

Let’s start from the bottom, going up. There is a photo of a woman, with a tagline that reads “Totally You. Your sites. Your friends. Your whatever.”  Clever. It is great that Yahoo wants to personalize my IM experience.

Now, let’s look up examine the top section where the weather is listed. It says that it is 60 degrees in Sunnyvale, CA. This is personalized for me.   Of course, I live 3000 miles away.


What is more disturbing is the fortune cookie-type statement written under the overly-friendly, bold-lettered “Hi, Neil!”

“A sloth spends 80% of its life sleeping.”

WTF? Is this my own personalized Yahoo message, dissing me as a lazy sloth?  How did Yahoo know that I took that half hour nap yesterday?  Where did this message come from?  Who is writing it?  Is this supposed to be inspiring? Did Sophia hack into my Yahoo account?

As for the advertisement in the middle, do I even need to bother commenting on it? Does this advertiser really thing that this boringly-suggestive Axe advertisement appeals to the horny male demographic?

“Girls Prefer Dry Guys.”

First of all, is this true? As a man of science, I asked several of my female friends, and the answer is “no.”  I’m also not convinced that all woman are going to be happy if her man’s dick is shaped like that ridiculous phallic Axe Dry Bottle.

Why do companies try to sell men products in phallic bottles? I mean, unless you are gay and are into other men’s phallic objects? Wouldn’t it be smarter to have deodorant bottles that look like purses or flowers, or shaped like kittens, or just something vagina-like?

That is a deodorant I might use.

I don’t have to be Don Draper from Mad Men to know that “Girls Prefer Dry Guys” is one awful advertising slogan.

2)    The Accidental Comments

I’ve been getting a good amount of spam lately, novel-size messages about pharmaceuticals that I can buy cheap in Russia.   Last week, I decided to do some internal cleaning as the “administrator” of my WordPress blog.

As I was deleting some items, I mistakenly checked the “all” button, and deleted fifteen of your comments from an old post.   This is not a big deal, because like we all know, very few readers ever come back to old posts.   Still, I was upset.  You liked this post.  You said it was “hilarious.”   Let’s face it, we all have an ego, and no man wants to have comments that glorify him as a comedic genius disappear into cyberspace.   Luckily, I receive emails whenever I receive a comment, so I still had copies in my email archives.   I decided to reproduce all of your blog comments verbatim in the comment section of the post, and no one would know the difference.

It was a time-consuming process.

What I didn’t realize was that when you are signed into your WordPress account, the blog plugs your own name into the commenter slot when you make a comment, even if you say that you are someone else.   It must know your own IP address.

I was completely unaware that my sidebar was beginning to look like this —


It wasn’t until an hour later, that I noticed that every single one of these wonderful comments looked like I wrote them to MYSELF!  I could already hear others saying:

“This asshole is so desperate for affection that he makes up all his own comments!”

I quickly dove back into my blog post archives and changed all the names back to the original names.

Really. That is true. I have never written a fake comment to myself.

OK, that is a lie.   When I first started blogging, when I didn’t get any comments, I sometimes wrote “Great Post!” to myself.


I hope Jenny Lauck will not get upset by this story. I do not know Jenny Lauck, but I know several of YOU do.

How do I know that?

Because for several months, she was always in the first slot of my Facebook “Suggested Friends” page.

If you aren’t on Facebook, I should explain what that means.   On Facebook, you become “friends” with other, uh, Facebookers.   After awhile, Facebook becomes like an incestuous Ponzi scheme, and the application recommends that you become friends with the friends of your friends, so eventually you have no idea why you have 3000 friends.


Facebook preys on your insecurity and your need to be loved.   Facebook will tell you that this stranger is best buddies with “38 of Your Friends,” making you feel like a loser.  Sometimes, you are even banned from seeing their information or photos.  You imagine all of your friends at a wild online party where everyone is invited… except for you.

Half of my blogging friends are Facebook friends with Jenny Lauck.  Whenever I would log onto Facebook, her name would taunt me.  I felt inadequate, and even using  Axe Dry couldn’t help me rebuild my confidence.

One night, I had a dream about Jenny Lauck.   Let me rephrase that.  It wasn’t a dream about HER, but her name from Facebook.   I didn’t know what she looked like.  The dream was about the words “Jenny Lauck.”   I had seen these words so many times on my Facebook account, that they were ingrained in my mind.   I don’t remember the specific of the dream, but I was looking at a piece of paper that contained the words “Jenny Lauck,” and there was some some cryptic importance to this moment.

At some point, I discovered that if I clicked on her name on the suggested friends list, I could make it fade into the background, only to be replaced by another friend of friends.   This was a relief to me, because the spell was broken.  I might not be her friend, but at least I didn’t have it shoved in my face every day.

About a month ago, a group of mommybloggers were flown into New York to preview some fancy sort of blender. The event was at the Mandarin Oriental.  Although I wasn’t invited, I tip-toed in at the end of lunch, mostly to see my friend Sarcastic Mom.   No one in the room seemed to notice that I was a crasher, so I decided to help myself to a piece of cake on the center table.   There was another woman already there, taking food.   She was wearing a badge with her name.   It read “Jenny Lauck.”

I wanted to say something, but my tongue was frozen.   It was her.   I ran back to Sarcastic Mom, like a little boy to his, well, Sarcastic Mom.

“That’s Jenny Lauck!”

“Yeah, so?”

I told her the story about how her name was always on my Facebook suggested friends page, about how her name began to haunt me, and how I even had a dream about her name!

“Should I go over and tell her this story?” I asked Sarcastic Mom, rather excitedly.

“No.” she said. “Not if you don’t want her to take out a restraining order.”

I never spoke to her that day.

Can someone who knows Jenny Lauck, please tell her that I am normal?

The GIE Interviews


This is where you will find the links to the completed interviews of  The Great Interview Experiment.   I am so excited to read all the interviews!

I will update the list each Friday, then make an announcement on Twitter and Facebook about the update.


Would you like to participate in GIE?   Add your name to the comment list over here.


First week.   The week ending November 13, 2009

Otir interviews Ingrid from “Ice Cream is Nice Cream”

Vicki Boykis interviews Otir

Ingrid from “Ice Cream is Nice Cream”  interviews Decoy Betty

Decoy Betty interviews Jess from “Drowning in Kids”

Carla Delvex interviews Velvet Verbosity

Ginny of Praying to Darwin interviews Headless Mom

SciFi Dad interviews Jodifur

Emma of “Where There’s a Willer” interviews Denise from “Eat Play Love”

Erika of “Dry Ink” interviews Emma of “Where There’s a Willer”

Headless Mom interviews Erica of “FreeFringes”

Denise of Eat Play Love interviews Marinka of “Motherhood in NYC”

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