the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

I Sang for Sophia


A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month:

Are there any songs about Sophia?

I’ll write a song about Sophia.

I’ll sing the song I wrote about Sophia.


  1. Marilyn

    That’s so sweet. I wasn’t around a year ago so I never got to hear it and my computer won’t let me listen… but it sounds like it worked for you?

  2. sarah g

    Aww, not that you should be a singer..but a do have a way with words! How sweet. ..though she is lucky her name song isn’t well known, as everyone who meets me for the first time sings..Oklahoma. Nah..that would be fun though. No Sarah Smiles, blah!

  3. Sizzle

    sophia is lucky to have you loving her.

  4. Neil

    Sizzle — Unfortunately, her new crush is Blake from American Idol, so I may need to do an updated version of the song with a little beatboxing.

  5. jamelah

    Blake or no, you just really can’t go wrong with a little beatboxing.

  6. Churlita

    Darn it. I can’t listen to this at work. I’ll have to wait until I get home.

  7. Bre

    Ok, it might be because I just started re-reading Harry Potter, in fact it probably is, but that picture reminds me of Professor Snape.

    That aside, I’m with Sizzle – Sophia is a lucky lady!

  8. psychomom

    If that doesn’t put a smile on your face nothing will. Lucky lady.

  9. Caryn

    Wow — I never thought it was possible, but this is even better than the latke song!

  10. Neil

    Bre — I stole that photo. It is Professor Snape. I had no idea who that was!

  11. DCChick1

    Neil, you look quite dashing in cartoon form!

  12. Ariel

    How about stand-up comedy?

  13. Ellen Bloom

    Oh! Just substitute “Sophia” for “Maria” in that faboo song from “West Side Story.” …”say it loud and there’s music playing…say it soft and it’s almost like praying…Sophia, Sophia, Sophia!”

  14. V-Grrrl

    Only Elvis Costello had the audacity and skill to write a Veronica song. Who else could work with a four-syllable name?

    Unfortunately, it’s not a love song, and even if it was Elvis Costello loves Diana Krall and not me, so I don’t think it would mean much.

    I love your Sophia song. I wish we all could sing back up and add hand claps and cheer you on when you sing it.

  15. question girl

    sophia IS so lucky to have you in her life….. are you sure there isn’t a single and younger version of you somewhere??? (i would make your mother happy as i AM jewish too 😉 )

  16. Dagny

    I remember that. And she still hasn’t kicked you out? 😉

  17. Jenn

    I am so jealous! What woman could resists a man who sings her name in, such a loving way, to the whole world? Ah, love! Beautiful.

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