the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Why I Write


Of all the questions that I am asked, probably the most common is, “Why do you write?” This is actually a very difficult question to answer. Writing is something that comes from deep inside one’s soul. For me, weaving a tale is very much like how a knitter weaves a sweater. It requires work, attention, focus, and inspiration.

Writing is a way to express myself, to touch the heart and mind of a reader. I think my writing appeals to a certain reader, usually someone with a Master’s Degree or Doctorate and is a lover of poetry and the classics.


I’ve always dreamt of being a novelist, and to share my own thoughts and feelings with like-minded intellectuals and artists.


Sometimes, as I write, I like to imagine my readers as they hold my writing in their hands and I transport them into another world.


I like the fact that through my words, I can make them cry or even lift their spirits like balloons.


I love to communicate. Sometimes, I wish I could just reach out from inside my own words and show my appreciation to my readers.


I especially love it when I can personally touch them.


Of course, I also write for myself. Nothing gives me more pleasure than coming up with a well-turned phrase or a poetic way of expressing myself. But I wouldn’t be satisfied if I knew I wasn’t also pleasuring my faithful readers with the power of my words and stories.


Sometimes I struggle with my writing, like today. On days like that, I try to motivate myself by thinking about a future reader, an intelligent, thoughtful individual, taking my first novel home from the library, curling up in bed at night, and reading me until she can’t read anymore, then waking up in the morning and reading me again.


That’s why I write. Why do you write?

(all photos from Babes with Books) — you can find anything online!

Update:  Just a note, to those who who accuse me of only writing for an audience of big-breasted woman:  that is absurd, especially after seeing all the trouble Sophia has to go through to find a bra that properly fits.   What a pleasure it must be to go through life without having to wear a bra!  I salute you!  You are in my thoughts just as frequently as everyone with a size D!  Please examine photos 2 and 3 as evidence of women who don’t fit into the category of “big-bazoomed.”  

Let me also go on record that my readership goes far beyond the all-white women on the Babes with Books website.  I can think of nothing more satisying than my first novel being the “monthly pick” of the Compton Ladies’ Book Group:


A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month: Beverly Hills Doctor


  1. Finn

    That’s why I write, too. It’s the chicks. It’s all about the chicks.

    Chicks dig writers. Enough said.

  2. plain jane

    “I love when I can personally touch them.” Yeah. I bet…touch.

    Who knew that all intellectual women had enormous breasts?

  3. Not Faint Hearted

    So THAT’s why I made it into graduate school!

    Who knew.

  4. the Yearning Heart

    I have similar motivations. I write to take my mind off how inadequate I feel, and to improve my sense of self-worth. I write to attract the kinds of people who are interested in my observations, in me as a person and not as a collection of appealing girl parts.

  5. Churlita

    I’m just trying to understand this. What you’re saying is…You write for women with big breasts? I guess everyone needs an audience.

    From now on, I’m writing for men with nice penises. What kind of things do men with nice penises like to read?

  6. teahouseblossom

    Hahahaha, nice visuals.

    Yeah, when I read I always take my shirt off and rub the book on my breasts.

  7. javajabber

    I write because no one listens in IRL because I’m not important enough to hear.

    I write because I’m trying to figure out what happened to my life and the happy person I once was.

    I write because I want there to be some tangible record of who I really was after I die.

  8. ally

    oh me, oh my. is it hot in here?

  9. JC

    I write to convince myself I’m more than I appear.. you know a big breasted chick scantily clad in the library.

  10. Mist 1

    It is so hard for me to type this comment with my boobs pressed up against my monitor.

  11. Danny

    You are going to hell, Neil…but in a good way. I just want to know what you were searching that led you to the Babes with Boobs Books website. I perused that site, by the way, and think I would have chosen exactly the same photographs as you. What does that mean?

  12. elle

    Geez, and I thought it was to get laid by big breasted chicks…. well… I guess I don’t have to read anymore…

  13. ms. sizzle

    the entire time i was reading the post i was thinking, how does he FIND these pictures and will these girls be mad? especially the naked one (boy that’s kind of hot).

    you’re very crafty as well as talented at writing. 😉

  14. Neil

    Ms. Sizzle, Danny — I’m not sure you really want to know how I found these photos. But the site really SPOKE to me. Although. honestly, most of the girls were too young. Where are all the half-naked 30 year olds? It’s creepy to look at 19 year olds.

  15. Michele

    Neil, you’re fabulous. That’s all.

  16. Mo

    Where are the photos of the guys using their erect penis as a bookmarker? That’s when I start putting pen to paper.

    Neil, start up the camera!

  17. Karla

    Why do I write? The motion of the pen and my arm moving takes some of the pressure off my enormous breasts.

  18. Cover Your Mouth

    I write because what else am I gonna do as a passtime with these huge breasts? Run a marathon? Jump on a trampoline? Writing’s just the most comfortable, really.

  19. CP

    As a size 44F (more like a cough medicine than a bra size, right?) I am proud to be the big breasted Jew girl who heartily endorses any man who can write…and keep me abreast of cultural goings on!

    L’chaim, Neil!


    And I agree with Mo, btw. Where are the men with those bookmarkers???

    This one is for Mo

    Couldn’t find a sexy man WITH a book, so hope you will like one with a sexy man on the book COVER. Heh.

  20. better safe than sorry

    i don’t consider what a do on my blog as writing, i haven’t written anything since i was in school.
    to me, it looks as though you’ve written the entry but your penis decided on what pics to post! two heads are better than one?

  21. Spinning Girl

    I am so glad that you have such reciprocal stimulation of the intellect.

    Your “ask me a question” post has begun its transformation into a meme. Welcome to the hive mind.

  22. Mr. Fabulous

    I would be glad to use my penis as a bookmark if I could ever get it to be erect…

  23. Percival

    A kindred spirit on the blogo-blogo sphere! Tis heartening indeed, this talk of the reader-writer relationship, in all its subtlety.

    Percy Bysshe Silly
    Poet in Residence

  24. margaret

    Neil, I am absolutely shocked!

  25. Karina

    And what about your Latina readers, Mister?

    Bolivian Beauty of the Batting Eyelids

  26. Eileen Dover

    I write to appeal to women with big breasteses too, in the hope that mine will grow through literary osmosis.

  27. Neil

    Karina, I would never forget my Latina friends. The sixth photo is of Maria, originally from Costa Rica.

  28. Jurgen Nation

    AAAHAH! Neil, I am ON the FLOOR. I thought the first picture was a woman you know, cocked my head at the beach picture and by the third it dawned on me. Such a typical man.

    I would be ever so grateful if you could post this on IB? Hilarious.

  29. Two Roads

    Neil, I was getting upset that you didn’t ask me to send in my picture reading a book until I started paging down through the post and the pics. I was relieved when I realized these women are all strangers to you and not your regular readers who would have gladly submitted photos if you had asked nicely. 🙂

    Writing for me is meditative. It brings me calm and then I can reflect on how silly some of the things I have done seem when reading them later. But if you could find that penis bookmark will you send me one then perhaps maybe I could concentrate more on the classics.

  30. The Cynical Girl

    I like how you’re multicultural with your breast obsession. That’s very forward-thinking of you.

  31. Pants

    All kidding aside, you rule.

  32. Jazz

    Neil Neil Neil….

    Now, if only you spent as much time writing as looking for pictures on the net… you’d be the bestes selling author in the world… nay, the UNIVERSE!

    Course they might not have boobs elsewhere in the universe.

  33. Ellen Bloom

    Maybe you should actually try KNITTING A SWEATER instead of ogling babes with books online!!! The WeHo Stitch ‘n Bitch welcomes you…Thursdays, 7-9pm, Farmers Market, 3rd and Fairfax!

  34. Karl

    God, there is nothing sexier than a woman with books.

  35. Jill

    I have used the phrase “library whore” to describe myself.
    If you need some more pictures, darlin’, you let me know. Just because I like your words and I’m cool like that. Little titties and all.

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