Hilarous. Thanks for making me smile – even though I was not there – today, as it’s very depressing and I’m beyond sad about baby Stellan.
Hope to see you next year at BlogHer ’10 in NYC.
I really loved your session on blogging as storytelling, too. After a weekend of “how do I get more hits on my blog?!” and “what is product branding?!” and having swag chucked at my head, it was nice to sit in a session where people discussed, oh, I don’t know, WRITING blogs. Thanks for that!
Reading your tweets (and now seeing this excellent recap) about your impressions of BlogHer was almost better than experiencing BlogHer myself. It was quite a weekend, no? Sorry I didn’t meet your or go to your panel, but I agree with Sarah – there was a dearth of actual writing sessions, and unfortunately virtually the only two were happening at once.
Love it, this is my kind of post!! That said, I’m dying to hear more about your workshop and your general impressions of that event that I can’t imagine ever attending. What was it like being in the testosterone minority?
love the shoes, but that is the creepiest movie i’ve ever seen, which makes me worry about what blogher was really like, hopefully, no flying monkies, eek!
I know I’m late to the party, dude, but I don’t read recaps until after MINE is written. Enjoyed you immensely as a roommate, but next year I’m injecting you with a GPS microchip. The needle isn’t all THAT big, don’t worry.
Great post!! (plus I love Wizard of Oz)
It was good to meet you. I sat at your table at one of the closing sessions. I had to leave a little early to meet someone…but was glad to meet you.
Neil Kramer has been writing about his life online since 2005. He has worked for Disney and HBO. Neil lives in NYC. You can contact him at neilochka on yahoo.
I love that you wore green lederhosen and a wig for the entire conference. I like your confidence.
You totally suck, you know that don’t you?
But you forgot “There’s no place like home”
Because really? There’s not.
Hilarous. Thanks for making me smile – even though I was not there – today, as it’s very depressing and I’m beyond sad about baby Stellan.
Hope to see you next year at BlogHer ’10 in NYC.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Neil, you’re a doll and I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with you at the Social Luxe lounge and seeing you around the conference.
Finally! A BlogHer post that covers all the angles!
You nailed it.
Neil. You nailed this one.
Brilliant! I wasn’t there this year, but that works just as well for last year’s BlogHer!
BEYOND brilliant. Genius. 🙂
ALMOST PERFECT! Except you left out the sex. *that’s what she said*
Spot on 🙂
Hahaha. That’s just great.
I represented the Lollipop Guild.
Absolutely brilliant! It was terrific to meet you at the Shutter Sisters PJ party and put a real face to the twitter profile 🙂
I could not have said this any better. Like everyone else said this is just Brilliant!
I love it! I’m so bummed I kept missing you!
So, wait. Are you saying that I was Dorothy or the Witch? I need to know this.
Now I will just sound like the follower that I am….This is perfection!
Neil. Only you. You are one unique brilliant dude. I don’t think Black Hockey Jesus could have thought of this post…..
Dammit Neil you stole my idea. Crap what am I supposed to do now?
Love it. Great post.
Fantastic 🙂 Loved meeting you, Neil!
I really loved your session on blogging as storytelling, too. After a weekend of “how do I get more hits on my blog?!” and “what is product branding?!” and having swag chucked at my head, it was nice to sit in a session where people discussed, oh, I don’t know, WRITING blogs. Thanks for that!
We didn’t get to Bump. 🙁
Great to meet you face to face, Neil.
Well. It certainly looks like I missed a rip roaring good time. Are you the one in the ruby slippers, or the one in the pointy hat?
You clever little blogger, you. And I feel fortunate that I get to say that you are even better in real life.
Excellent, Excellent recap!!! I’m so deliriously tired that I’m reliving the emotions again right now.
Perfect. Great to meet you.
so who’s the main character? where’s the Anacin? i’m confused!
Great to meet you and hang in the Shutter Sister suite.
My recap was less Wizard of Oz and more HEATHERS.
That pretty much sums up my whole weekend!
Excellent post!
Nice to briefly meet you in the elevator!
Well played, sir. Well played, indeed. See you soon, mister. 🙂
Neil: Those ruby slippers make you look HOT. You own them….
Yep, you got it. A pic is worth a trillion words….
Right, but would the BlogHer weekend synch up with Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon?”
Dude, tell me you’re actually going to write about BlogHer, please, because your recap is one of the few I was actually looking forward to reading.
The only thing you missed was a shot of Dorothy and the Scarecrow picking apples off the trees with the caption: “SWAG”
Very cool. Very cool. Was nice to meet you, Neil!
Congratulations on all your new fans, Neil. You have definitely boosted your popularity meter!
Too funny!
next year … i MUST come
Oh goodness, all my favorite things.
Next year, I must go. Blogher10 or bust!
Great recap. Although I thought the cliques looked better than those guys.
I’m glad you finally made it to BlogHer (although sorry it was one of the ones *I* couldn’t get to). Maybe I’ll finally meet you next year in NYC.
Love it!
p.s. Loved your storytelling panel at BlogHer too. I got a lot out of it, so thanks!
Bwhahaha…best recap yet.
Dammit. Which suite was that in?
Reading your tweets (and now seeing this excellent recap) about your impressions of BlogHer was almost better than experiencing BlogHer myself. It was quite a weekend, no? Sorry I didn’t meet your or go to your panel, but I agree with Sarah – there was a dearth of actual writing sessions, and unfortunately virtually the only two were happening at once.
I also echo Ellen B.
I thought it was in Chicago, not Oz. I still kind of think of Chicago as the land of Oz anyway.
Brilliant. As usual.
Perfect. It was so great to meet you, good sir.
Very true!
All this bs about “story telling” and you do this. I hate you.
(But really like this post)
You could be in my clique anytime. Can I be the guy in blue? I like his hair better.
So bummed I didn’t meet you and this is the BEST BlogHer recap I’ve read so far. Love it!
Like any good movie, one that you want to watch again–you need trouble making.
Blogher wouldn’t be blogher if not for the drama. Oh the drama. It is a womans meet up after all.
Oooh, I like your shoes!
Yeah, that clique of self-righteous, self-aggrandizing, blogging ho’ Oompah Loompahs really pissed me off. Otherwise, the conference was great.
Also? It was great “Bump”ing iPhones with you. And attending your panel on Storytelling. You, my friend, rock.
I’m so happy you followed the yellow brick road and came to Chicago!
My favorite movie of all time. I’m glad BlogHer was THAT good. 🙂
This is so, so, perfect! Of course, I found myself over analyzing even this ….
so, tell me how you really feel? and BTW: did you see any boobs?
What, no “Burgers with Avitable” image from that one scene from Oz? Fucker.
Love it, this is my kind of post!! That said, I’m dying to hear more about your workshop and your general impressions of that event that I can’t imagine ever attending. What was it like being in the testosterone minority?
I love this so much that I don’t even care that you don’t remember meeting me the first time. Heh.
Do you still have my shoes?
At least it wasn’t Apocalypse Now. Thanks. This is great. Now, for a full recap, please!
I bet poppies leave you with less of a hangover.
Great meeting you!
love the shoes, but that is the creepiest movie i’ve ever seen, which makes me worry about what blogher was really like, hopefully, no flying monkies, eek!
Shit. When you’re clever like this I sorta hate it. You jerk.
wait… which one am I?
Pure awesomeness.
Yup – that pretty much sums it up!
Soooo bummed I didn’t get to hang with you. I saw you at Mama Pop but then you were gone. Or was I gone? Can’t remember now.
I’ve figured out all the others, but who was Toto?
I don’t think you could have summed it up any better! I wasn’t there but I can only imagine.
Lovely, precise, and true, Neil. I’m a little sad to be back in black and white. Wonderful meeting you, darling.
I know I’m late to the party, dude, but I don’t read recaps until after MINE is written. Enjoyed you immensely as a roommate, but next year I’m injecting you with a GPS microchip. The needle isn’t all THAT big, don’t worry.
Great post!! (plus I love Wizard of Oz)
It was good to meet you. I sat at your table at one of the closing sessions. I had to leave a little early to meet someone…but was glad to meet you.
How did I miss this earlier this week? Gah.
Handily the most creative re-cap of the weekend. Well done, sir!
I’m coming next year 🙂
Let’s hope that photo re-cap isn’t taken from something like, oh, A Clockwork Orange or something 😉
My fave recap, on so many levels!
So glad to have met you, Neil!
Can I be the scarecrow?
I have never wanted to bein a clique until today.