the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

What is Blogging?

I had no idea anyone would watch this video outside of my Facebook friends, so I didn’t put it on my blog,  which means, of course, that YouTube and Facebook got all the traffic instead.  If there is one thing I’m not, it’s a marketing genius.

I also never bothered to credit the fine cast, so I blew it for them, too.   So, thank you, wonderful actresses.  You played pretentious bloggers so well you’d think that it wasn’t acting at all.

Suzan from The Suniverse

Tracy from Sellabit Mum

Jenny from Oh, Jenny Mae

Wendi from They’re Not all Gems

Marinka from Marinka NYC

Val from Bonbon Break

Alexandra from Good Day, Regular People

Arnebya from What Now and Why

And best of luck to those involved in the American Blogger project.   Seriously.  I know how difficult it is to get an independent film made.


  1. alexandra

    “… actresses. You played pretentious bloggers so well …” Erm, I know those airquotes actresses and none of them were acting.

  2. GrandeMocha

    Did you really go to film school?

    I laughed while watching. Loved all the hats. I really needed a laugh this morning. Thanks!

  3. The Animated Woman

    Seeing your closet was awesome.

  4. Absence Alternatives

    Best Use of an Umbrella in an Independent Live Action Film.

    • Absence Alternatives

      Also, this should be featured at this year’s Blogher, different from the newly launched American Blogher (no relation) which will only be attended by white, attractive WOMEN.

  5. Mindy

    I really enjoyed this. I’ve watched it about a dozen times now, maybe. Thank you to everyone involved. I love you all.

  6. Alison

    Best thing I’ve watched this year!

  7. Marinka

    Can’t wait for the sequel!

  8. Nina

    I loved this, Neil! So clever. And how fun to hear your voice and all the others I had not heard before.

  9. tracy@sellabitmum

    “An amazing and talented men who wears many hats. And has great shirts in his closet.” In case you needed a tagline for the film. Cannot wait to go on tour with you. xo

  10. pia

    Thanks Neil. I can listen to this over and over again–doing other things, so not watching today, because well frankly every fifth post I have written since I left NY is half-decent so I have to do really important things like answer comments on facebook.
    Most of my blogging friends from the oughts who had incredibly interesting blogs can be found there these days. Some left at their peak so they could be remembered as brilliant. I didn’t and am not.

  11. jrm

    This was awesome. For some reason I think your voice reminds me of Dustin Hoffman.

  12. Suniverse

    I’m ready for my close up, Mr. Kramer.

  13. Bookish Jen

    Mr. Kramer-I loved your scarily spot-on parody of “American Blogger” I just had to give you a shout out at my rant of Chris Wiegand’s stunning, artistic, world-changing exercise in on-line circle jerking.

  14. edenland

    GOLD. This is perfect.

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