the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

New York City Photos: Rain and Sun


  1. the muskrat

    These all came from your phone? Damn!

  2. Yuliya

    That second one is AWESOME.

  3. kenju

    Very nice!

  4. gorillabuns

    I love your photos! I always look forward to seeing what you are clicking next!

  5. Holly


  6. heather

    stunning shots, neil. love.

  7. Alma

    make me miss NY …damn you.. I love it!

  8. Amy

    start selling these please! I’ll take a 2 and a 4

  9. Redneck Mommy

    You’re almost as good as MotherBumper.

    You are both oodles better than me. I’m in awe at what you can do with your phone.

  10. karianna

    Magic, as always. You are so talented.

  11. Megan

    Love the one of the arch. Wonderful.

    Kinda jealous really. I’m still trying to figure out how to take a decent photo with the phone.

  12. Kim

    Your photos always take me to a good place. Tonight, they’re just what I needed.

  13. marty

    You are a God amongst men.

    • Neil

      oh man, that made me laugh. and no on else will get why.

  14. Tiff

    Love ’em, but the first one most. It’s so odd.

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