the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

“The Great Mofo Delurk” Three for One Deal


Schmutzie, Jenandtonic, and Sweetney had this idea to make today “The Great Mofo Delurk.”   You’ve probably seen stuff like this before.  The idea is to coax bloggers from out of the virtual woodwork and have them say hello by delurking and commenting. 

This is a great idea.  I love hearing from readers, but I feel a little guilty asking readers to delurk for me.   I’m already blessed with the best commenters in the blogosphere.  I can hardly keep up with the blogging friends I already have.   I don’t even comment enough on THEIR blogs!   I’ve even lost touch with some bloggers because I haven’t been keeping up with them, which makes me a little sad.  Do I really need more virtual friends in my life?   What am I — blog selfish?

That said, I think it is important to keep adding new people to the mix.   The blogosphere is cliquish enough, without me adding to it.   We are supposed to be a community, and you are part of the community.  Yes, YOU, whether you like it or not.  Now, I know the feeling many of you have, especially when you are a new blogger:  everyone is in-groupy except for YOU.   Here’s my advice.  Take a deep breathe and repeat after me, “Blogging is Bullshit.”  Feel insecure in real life, but never in virtual life.  Even the writers at Techcrunch or Engadget write in their underwear.  I don’t care if you have 10,000 readers, or 10 — you will be treated the same crappy way here at “Citizen of the Month.”  Don’t be intimidated by me.  Don’t be afraid that your comment isn’t “clever” enough.   Very few people write clever comments, and the ones that seem good have usually been rewritten by me.

If you choose to delurk, don’t do it for me.   Do it for yourself.  It is the best way to interact with others.  And if we don’t become best buddies, maybe you’ll hit if off with someone else who visits this blog.  I met 99% of my blogging friends from reading the comments of other bloggers, and following the link.   You’re in luck here at “Citizen of the Month” –  the commenters here are particularly smart and sexy, even if they are somewhat eccentric. 

And in honor of “The Great Mofo Delurk,” anyone who comments today on this special day and says hello, whether you are an old or new reader, will get back three times the LOVE!   That’s right, if you comment today, I will promise to write a comment on your next three posts.   That’s right — THREE comments for just ONE comment.   You think Dooce is ever gonna offer you that?!  A deal like that doesn’t come too often! 

(small print — this special deal is valid only until 11:59PM October 3, 2007)

A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month:   Class Trip


  1. Los Angelista

    I haven’t been over here in awhile so I’m glad I stopped by. I am happy to delurk myself. I did a delurking day on my blog about a month ago and it was really nice to meet many of the folks who were reading but not engaging. You’re right about the pressure to be witty in comments. I think that’s why it sometimes takes me so long to respond to the comments I do get…I’m trying to think of the “right” thing to say. Anyway, nice to meet you, Neil!

  2. Paul Robinson

    I comment from time to time … just not a serial commentor! No need to comment back dude … you are busy enough probably!

  3. better safe than sorry

    good morning neil.
    i’m not delurking today so no need for you to rewrite my comment into something clever today. phew! i’m also not posting on my own blog, maybe spread those three love comments to new delurkers instead:)

  4. helen

    I always drop by your blog but sometimes when I’m late and the number of comments get too long, I leave without saying hello. 🙂

    No, I’m not delurking.. dang, I’m too big to be hiding. (put on some weight recently…._) lol

  5. rel

    Hi Neil,
    I’m always interested in how you say things…just don’t get here as often as I might. Always fighting the hermit instinct. 😉

  6. The Retropolitan

    Had I known ahead of time, I would’ve included “The Great Mofo Delurk Day” on my blog. Just because I like banners with profanity in them.

  7. Not Fainthearted

    just a quick “hi.” I’m not a lurker (as you know, Neilochka) but it’s always fun to play along here at Citizen of the Month.

  8. srah

    Hello! I’ve commented before, but I’m afraid I’m mostly a lurker.

  9. patois

    Please, Neil, don’t visit my blog three times. I couldn’t stand the pressure of even one visit.

  10. V-Grrrl

    Give me the big love, Neilochka! oxo

  11. pam

    I don’t think I’m really a lurker, but I can’t deny the offer of three times the love. Bring it.

  12. brettdl

    The word lurking has such dark connotations.

  13. Caron

    Well I don’t post on a fast paced schedule so I feel certain I won’t wear you out. Folks rarely comment on my blog. They e-mail or call me on the phone, I hang with a pretty lo tech crowd.

  14. whoorl

    Not a lurker, but just wanted to say hello to my fave male blogger. 🙂

  15. Dave2

    If you get thousands of comments, you’re going to be very busy for the next couple of days!

    I think that I am going to go from daily blogging to yearly blogging so I can drag out my Neil comments a couple of years…

  16. Kelliqua

    Casual lurker here. No need to reciprocate, just following the rule of the day. Love, love, love you Neil! I may be quiet, but I’m always here.

  17. Jenn

    I’m about 80% lurker. And it’s not that I don’t feel like my comment is clever enough, it’s the fear that you’ll do exactly what you threaten– Come to my blog and find out it’s not cool at all! And three times!?!?! Can’t –take–the— pressure!

  18. sizzle

    you know i am here.

  19. LVGurl





  20. ampersandranch

    Delurking. But like some of your other readers, I’m not sure that I could take the pressure of thinking you’d be reading my own rantings/ravings. Or of thinking that I’d have to post with any sort of regularity in order to maintain your interest. Yikes! Also, public “hi” to villanovababy. I’m wearing my new pirate tights!

  21. Miguelina

    Thank you for taking the pressure off! Just saying hello on this most special of holidays.

  22. Roy

    But lurking, and stalking are so much fun. Keeping to the shadows allows more time to watch and learn. Its what I was trained to do?

  23. Irina

    Hey, I’m only a semi-lurker… (I guess that makes me more legit than real full-time lurkers? Less so?)

    Anyway, just stopping by to say hi… and… to announce that I’ve just tagged you with a meme.
    *ducking and running*

  24. nabbalicious

    I heard Dooce sends either cookies or whiskey to her commenters (their choice).

    I’m just saying.

  25. You can call me, 'Sir'

    Since I don’t have a blog yet, I’d like you to send me your love in the form of unmarked tens and twenties, please. Thanks in advance!

  26. Atomic Bombshell

    I am a classic Mofo. I read every single one of your posts in Google Reader, but I rarely have anything to add that another loyal commenter hasn’t already beat me to saying, and generally they cover it more extensively and with better vocabulary.

    But I adore you, and have for ages!

  27. kimananda

    Hmmm…I’m not sure if I count as a lurker or not…probably at this point I am. In any case, it’s hard to pass up a 3-for-1 deal like this. And a good way to make lurkers delurk (thus confirming that I’m probably actually a lurker).

  28. churlita

    Boy, you’re really comitting yourself here. I try to read my blog roll every day. I don’t always get to all of them, but I’m sure I hit everyone, every other day. It’s hard to add any more to that without having some kind of a break-down.

  29. Neil

    Some other point: Let’s be honest. We can’t read each other EVERY DAY, especially when you begin to know more than 100 bloggers. I see nothing wrong with emailing someone and saying, “I wrote one hot post about hockey, and I know you love hockey. Come read it and give your opinion.” In fact, I know I would be flattered if someone did that.

    Twitter is a perfect way to quickly tell someone that you finally wrote a good post, with a link. I’ve seen other people do it. Just don’t do it every day, cause that would be like the “boy who cried wolf.”

    Writers tend to be shy, but you really can’t be shy anymore online if you want to be read.

    We should also start appreciating commenters more. I like when people say they enjoyed a post I wrote, but I feel like I am failing as a blogger when I’m not interacting more. The world could probably live without me talking about sex for one day a week so I could spend more time commenting.

  30. Jill - GlossyVeneer

    Wow Neil, you’re going to be commenting 24-7 because of this promise! Good luck! 😉

  31. psychomom

    I’ve been slacking lately, well actually I’ve been working too much and there is not much time for play.

    I did find your choice of color for the MOFO button intresting. Ask your therapist what it means.

  32. Neil

    Psychomom — “Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality. The opposites of hot red and cool blue combine to create this intriguing color.”

    It also reminds me of Prince, who said, “Party like it’s 1999.” And I remember 1999 as a very good year.

  33. schmutzie

    Thanks for posting a button and joining in! I’m loving watching everyone come out of the woodwork today. It’s like Christmas.

  34. mrsatroxi

    I am a Lurking Commenter.

    I love you Neil, and I know you love me. You don’t have to say it. (I’m goin’ for Creepy Lurker. Is it working?)

  35. michael5000

    I’ve been a regular reader for, like, a week or something. Happy to be here. Can’t remember if I’ve commented yet. Happy Mofo Delurk Day to you and yours. Drive safely.

  36. TamiW

    I read your blog every day and yet I never comment…
    I would love to have the readership that you have so that I could make the same offer to my readers. (uh, reader.)

  37. Neil

    TamiW — So, why don’t you ever comment? How do you think I met these readers? How are we supposed to know your blog exists? You need to get out there. A blogger is not just a writer. A blogger is a combination of writer AND high class hooker.

  38. sweetney

    yay for delurking! and dude, you are SO going to have bloody little fingertips by the end of today!

  39. MammaLoves

    Now I know why my comment end up sounding so boring.

    Please stop editing. Sheesh!

  40. maribeth

    I promise to comment on any post you make about Dancing with the Stars.

  41. sarah g

    hi 🙂 I’m not a lurker really. I’m just not one who comments on everything. But hi just the same.
    back to the grind!

  42. Caitlinator

    Your offer would mean so much more if I ever posted anything any more. But I do read every day, Neil. I may not comment, but I read.

  43. Melissavina

    Lovely idea. Have any of the readers from Finland, Korea, or Hungary delurked yet? I’ve got tons of those sneaky bastards on my page all the time. Perhaps I should stop posting about “racy american love scenes.”

  44. Chantel

    I don’t comment as much as I used to. Probably for the same reasons. So this is me commenting —

  45. Jenny from Chicago

    Hi! I’m a regular reader. I comment once in a while. You rock. I enjoy your blog.

  46. Rattling The Kettle

    3 for 1? How can I resist such a bargain?

    It would only be sweeter if your talking penis did the commenting for you.

  47. Neil

    I sometimes find commenting too tiring to do every day, especially the constantly typing in my name and email. I wish some clever programmer would create some application where you could click a checkmark, saying “good post!” on the days you read someone and don’t want to say anything special, but still want to say you were there.

  48. Neil

    Oh, and Maribeth, weren’t you shocked that the male model was kicked off Dancing with the Stars? Sophia and I spent all morning debating this important issue. I guess no one knew who he was, so he had no fan base.

    And doesn’t Wayne Newton look like he is made of plastic. Poor Cheryl Burke! Did you know she’s dating Matthew Lawrence from Boy Meets World? Lucky guy.

    And Drew is a better co-host than whatever her name is. Dump her, even if she is a new mommy! That’s showbiz.

    OK, enough Hollywood gossip. Back to delurking.

  49. Lisa

    Not a lurker! Just commenting to prove it.

  50. Catherine

    DamnitDamnitDamnit, I would have commented no matter what this blog post was about! Now, wouldn’t you know, looks like I’m not only trolling for your charming attentions, but adding to your karma comment workload. Well, let me fix that. You are completely off the hook in my case. This is a freebie. I just wanted to stop by and say hi online, since we met in person at the Dave LA thingy, which was fun. You made more of a deep impression on me than you may have guessed. And I really dig your Talking Penis Cartoon.

  51. Roadchick

    You are truly all about the people. 3 comments for the price of 1? Unbelievable!

    Seriously, even if I don’t comment all the time, I do read all the time – not that there’s any pressure there or anything.


  52. LetterB

    Lots of times the spirit moves me to comment but I am just too damn dumb to translate my thoughts into sparkling prose. The checkbox would be awesome.

  53. TC

    You can’t offer a Jew a three-for-one deal and expect her to pass it by…Hi! I live in LA too! Sorta! And usually, I’m not all about the exclamation points like this, but hey! It’s a special day!

  54. Maliavale

    Hiees! *mwah!*

  55. Ash

    Oh Neil, I couldn’t resist the three for one offer 😉

  56. JM

    Just saying hi. I suppose I don’t have to delurk since I’m the one who so brazenly asked you to add me to your blogroll… but I’m doing so anyway! Happy Delurking!

  57. Neil

    TC — ha ha, I love when Jews make stereotypical jokes about Jews and shopping! Too bad the others can’t do it… or we’ll get the Anti-Defamation League on their case. But, you are right — think of this offer as similar to a sale at Loehmann’s.

  58. Mike F

    Hi Neil. Been Semi-lurking. Haven’t had much time for comments recently. And now I return to reading/lurking

  59. 180/360

    You are the only blogger today that has made me want to comment on this whole MOFO day. I don’t think I’ve ever been a lurker on your site, because you hooked me the first time I read it. And today, I especially liked the “Blogging is Bullshit” line. 😉

  60. Neil

    Hey, Mike F — Same here. How is your wife? Sophia sends regards!

  61. Eileen

    I will not whore out my comments for a promise of love. Or maybe I will. Morals are a bit shakey

  62. butterfly

    Dear Mr. Neil,

    Sometimes, I feel like I comment too much on your blog…I feel like I am a pest. I’m inclined to think that perhaps my NOT commenting on your blog today would be a better gift to you, but, on the other hand…you have advised that I tell myself “Blogging is Bullshit!” So, I will not be insecure in this here blogosphere…I will breathe deep, dance around like I own the place, possibly belch a few times for good measure…and scream “F*** You!!” just for the fun of it.

    Okay, I need a nap now. Happy Delurk Day, fucker. ;-P – V

  63. Andrea

    Good Afternoon. I’m a lurker, a big one. You have shamed me out into the open. But it’s cool, I dig it.

  64. Marriage-101

    I’ve only been lurking for about a month or two, but wanted to come on out and say hello. So…hello.

  65. Jennifer

    A mofo comment, just for you.

    Happy de-lurker day!

  66. Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah

    Love me twice today.

  67. Catheroo

    I am such a whore, delurking for comments.

    Oh, and the other day my husband recorded a National Geographic show reliving the construction of the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, the place you sent me to on my birthday. It was lovely to revisit that paradise again. 🙂

  68. Neil

    Sarah — “Love me twice today?!”

    Uh-oh. I dunno. I’m not 21 anymore.

  69. rebecca

    I’m not sure if this counts as an official “delurk” or not, since this is my first visit to your site (I think!). Anyhow, in the spirit of the Great Mofo Delurk, today I have made an effort to comment on every blog I’ve visited today.

    I really liked this post, though. Hey! I’ll be back!

  70. Foo

    I found you through Hilly and Dave2 and have been reading ever since. I’ve never commented, but have met you in person :o) Go figure. So in the spirit of outing ourselves, I’m a big fan and enjoy reading!

  71. savia

    It’s all about me anyway.

  72. teahouseblossom

    Hey, Neil!! Wow, I’m sure chiming in late. I’m not really a lurker, since I’ve been commenting for a while :o)

    Hello there!

  73. Erin

    I’m not a lurker either, but I’m TOTALLY comment greedy. 😉

  74. Liz

    Delurking to say, have a MoFo day!

  75. Shelli

    Neil, you don’t know how much I needed to hear these things today. Especially, “The blogosphere is cliquish enough” and “Feel insecure in real life, but never in virtual life.” Sometimes I get so sick of all the bullshit that comes with blogging. Can I say bullshit here?

  76. fringes

    I’m still catching up on promises and prizes offered to my readers from six months ago. Good luck with this one.

  77. CP

    Not delurking…but catching up on blog life since real life allowed me a little time. Man, I hate not being able to read everyone daily anymore.

    That was the joy of unemployment.


  78. charming, but single

    I have never commented on your blog because your talking penis offends me and you seem like someone who just wants to sleep with female bloggers.

    … am I close?


  79. Neil

    Shelli, hmmm, I’m curious about what you mean by “all that bullshit?” Email me. Now that I’m in therapy for five weeks, I feel qualified to wonder if this is mostly in your head. Believe me, I understand.

    Fringes — Trust me.

    Charming — Yes.

    CP — Hi, CP. You’re someone I regret not getting to know better after we first met online.

  80. Y

    I’m only commenting because I believe you when you say you’re going to treat us equally crappy.

    That’s awesome.

  81. i am the diva

    wow, over 80 comments. you’re gonna be a busy lad, at least i made the deadline!!

  82. Heather B.

    Dude, you’re going to be commenting for the next six months. Enjoy!

  83. Ben

    I’m one of those free-loading RSS readers, so its not in my nature to even read comments, let alone make them.

  84. mckay

    the anticipation of multiple comments leaves me weak in the knees.

  85. ...deb

    Yeah, I am delurking. I like the word. You can keep 1/3 of your promise…keep some of your life/time 🙂

  86. Frida

    You know that I now feel an irrational desire to write three really challenging posts about Gaza… just because I’d love to see what you have to say. but that’s the pain in the ass in me and she’s mostly all tuckered out from head-butting the drug lords of Ghor this week so instead I want to say hallelujah to this post. Let’s not bring high-school cliques into our adult life via blogs. Everyone is welcome at my blog anytime and I do not expect comments to be funny, clever or even spelled correctly. I just love reading them on a cold and quiet morning here in the mountains. Thanks N!

  87. Frobeast

    Consider me de-lurked, but only for today.

  88. plain jane

    #87 commenter…#1 fan.

    Yikes, who are all these strangers?

  89. dan-E

    just saying hi to my favorite blogging in the south bay area. no need to comment on my blog, not much there going on anyway. glad you’re keeping this up.

  90. margalit

    I don’t usually lurk, but I don’t comment enough either, so I’m commenting now because I’m a brownnoser. 🙂

  91. melanie

    BOO. there you happy? hope so! :hug:

  92. Geeky Tai-Tai

    I’m always a day late and a dollar short with the West Coast blogs. I just wanted you to know that I read your blog, but I don’t always come over to comment.

  93. Ben

    Saw your blog through this link:

    I like the idea as I blog a lot and do not get any comments hardly at all. It would be nice to get some reassurance that someone is reading my stuff and I am not writing in vain.

  94. Jack

    Whoa. You are going to have to spend like three hours commenting on all these other blogs.

  95. tiff

    Not necessarily delurking, and I’m a day late, and I’ll still comment here if you don’t comment on my blog, so hi!

    I posted the same little delurk button and got FEWER comments than usual. Oy.

  96. Neil

    OK, Tiff, I’ll let you be late. You seem like the type who always turned their school homework assignments in a few days late because you were out having fun.

  97. Leon

    This is my first time reading your blog, but the most recent Delorean photo and entry convinced me to leave a comment! I will definitely be back to read more.

  98. tiff

    Dude – only in college and real life. And thanks – I look forward to seeing you ’round my parts.

    In a purely platonic manner, o’ course.

  99. SAJ

    Hi. I read your posts three days late. Does that count?

  100. Neil

    I’m such a sucker, SAJ. Sure. For you.

  101. bella

    Hellooo there.
    You don’t have to leave a comment at my place.. just wanted to delurk and say HI.

  102. stepping over the junk

    Yeah. Dude. I’ve been feeling neglected by you.

  103. Jennifer

    I’m not de-lurking, exactly. Just using this post as a means to start commenting again without feeling ten kinds of guilty for my protracted silence. Think this de-lurking thing will work with the other 300 blogs I hold as beloved but have equally neglected?

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