the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Fictional Characters of New York — #22


If you want proof of the existence of ghosts, just look at logic. A person is more complex than a brick, but a building can last for thousands of years. This means that a human being, based on his innate superiority, must exist longer than a brick. And since we all know that death occurs for people, the only reasonable explanation is that the “person” or “entity” continues to live on as a ghost — at least for longer than the lifespan of a brick.

It just makes sense.

The traffic was bumper to bumper in lower Manhattan, so Hunter Horowitz stepped from his car to stretch his legs. It was his last year teaching Philosophy 101 at NYU to a bunch of undergraduates who couldn’t care less about the existence or non-existence of the world.

Hunter looked down the old city block, now traffic-snarled, and knew that, in another dimension, invisible behind the Subarus, Hondas, and trendy boutique store signs hanging in view, his great-grandfather, Mlotek was still pushing his cart along the cobblestone streets and yelling “Toys for Sale” in Yiddish.


  1. kenju

    You should read the “Education of Oversoul Seven.”

  2. Kir

    this is one of my favorites. I love the whole series but some of the stories touch me in a deeper place than others.

    This is one of them and I loved it.

  3. Shannon akaMonty

    I have always loved the thought of overlapping dimensions or planes of existence that are nearly thin enough to reach through and touch a memory. This is one of my top favorites for the moment.

  4. Roxanne

    These stories are so brilliant. I think I love all of them.

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