It didn’t take Marc long to figure out secret of living in the city.  “New York is theater,” he would say, from his studio on East 43rd Street.  “You leave your apartment and enter stage right. No one cares about YOU. You are the role you play. Either it is assigned against your will, or you create it with your own hands, like a special piece of Play-doh.”
And Marc certainly made myself.  He asked for no help.  He was taught by his hard-working parents never to ask for a hand-out.  It was his parents who built “The Gaucho House” from scratch — the first faux Argentine steakhouse ever seen in the Buffalo area.  Yes, Marc ran from home as fast as possible, at the age of seventeen, but he always respected the self-sufficiency of his parents.
It was in this spirit of kinship that Marc became his own guide. Â He devised a look that intimidated and a way of speaking that invited envy. Â And when introduced to others at parties, he would say his name was — Markk.
Hahahahahaaa. Love it!
I love this
If you ask me, I will tell you my name is Linn.
Hm. Somehow that did not work as well…
I just love these stories, they are so rich and engaging.