the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Countdown to the Big Show

It’s cold outside.  I have a hole in one of my gloves.  My last couple of posts have leaned towards the depressing.  I’m sure many of you feel the same way.   There is only one solution:  The Fifth Annual Blogger Christmalhijrahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert is coming to town NEXT WEEK!  It’s going to be the show to end all shows.  Bigger than the Beatles at Shea Stadium!  Or U2.  Or Kanye West.  Or even Justin Bieber!

This will be my last post until the big concert.  I need to save my energy to personally set the stage, rig the lights, and make the complimentary hot dogs for the guests.

So, I’ll remind you one more time.  If you want to participate, sign up in the comments over here.  Any search of “Top Holiday songs” on Google will lead you to a great many song choices for you to sing.  Or make up your own song.

Our concert will be an odd mix celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the Muslim New Year of Al-Hijira.

If you are in New York City any time until February, the New York Public Library has a terrific exhibit titled Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.  If you wish to know more details about any of these Abrahamic religions, the NYPL website might be a good place to start.

Oh, yeah.  We will also be celebrating the Winter Solstice for those pesky atheists.

The concert is Wednesday, DECEMBER 15. I would like to have all files by DECEMBER 13.

When you make your audio or video, you can send it to me or post it to YouTube or Vimeo, and send me the link.  Video files are large and most email services have limits.  So if you want to send me the file, use or Dropbox.

WE WILL ALSO NEED HOLIDAY PHOTOS to decorate the page.  If you are a blogger, feel free to send me a personal photo that relates to Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Al-Hijira.

Any questions, you know where to find me (probably on Twitter).

I’ll see you at the show.  Wear nice shoes.

1 Comment

  1. Elly Lou

    I’m so excited I could piddle! But I won’t. Or if I do, I won’t include it in the video. Probably.

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