At my father’s service, I made a little speech where I talked about my father’s different "families" — his relatives, his co-workers, his friends, etc. I wonder if at the funerals of the future, people will also be talking about the "family of fellow bloggers and readers."
Who would think I would get such comfort from all your kind comments and emails? Last night, after the extended family and the shiva visitors left, Sophia and I sat with my mother as she read the comments on my laptop. She was extremely touched.
I was also surprised about how eager I was to write to you with updates about my life. When I didn’t have a laptop at the hospital, I wrote some comments on the back of a package of gauze. I really felt like you were a new kind of family.
I haven’t read any of your blogs, so I have no idea what is going on it your lives (or minds). Soon, I’ll be back to normal — writing stupid comments on your blogs.
Thank you, my blogging "family."