
(phone call this morning)

Sophia:  What are you doing later?

Neil:   Nothing.  You?

Sophia:  I almost had a date for tonight.   I spoke with this guy from for a couple of hours.

Neil:  And?

Sophia:  He seemed pretty nice.  But then I told him to take a look at your blog. 

Neil:  Why would you do that? 

Sophia:  I thought he’d find it interesting.   He is a creative type.  

Neil:   (ADDED LAUGHTER SO NEW READERS DON’T TAKE THIS AS  SERIOUSLY AS THE FIRST COUPLE OF READERS DID)  He doesn’t want to see your separated husband’s blog!

Sophia:  I thought you’re always looking for new readers.   I thought you’d be happy.

Neil:  Well… thank you.

Sophia:  I told him the blog was very funny.

Neil:  And so?  What did he think?

Sophia:  Well… first the good news.  He liked the picture on top.   He liked the post where you said I had "magnificent breasts."  But then he said the other posts were way too long. 

Neil:  Too long?!  The last couple of posts, I hardly wrote anything at all.

Sophia:  He said he prefers those blogs where the posts are shorter and there are more links.

Neil:   How many links does this guy want?

Sophia:   Forget it.  It’s not that important.  He just didn’t "get it."

Neil:  Get what?

Sophia:  What’s a "Citizen of the Month."  What’s the joke.  Were you being serious or not.  Everything.  He just didn’t like it too much.

Neil:  Which post didn’t he get?  The last one with Katie Couric?  Should I make the post clearer?  Does he know who Katie Couric is?  Is he from this country?

Sophia:  Forget it.  Not everyone’s going to like your blog.

Neil:  Do you have this guy’s phone number?

Sophia:  What for?

Neil:  I’d like to ask him what’s wrong with the blog.  I’m open to suggestions.  He can be like my focus group.

Sophia:  I don’t have his phone number anymore.  And you’re not calling him.

Neil:  Well, obviously you did.

Sophia:  It’s over already.   I told him I wouldn’t go out with him. 

Neil:  Why is that?

Sophia:  I couldn’t possibly  date someone who doesn’t get your blog. 

Neil:  You told him that?  Boy, you’re a tough dater.  

Sophia:  After all, your blog isn’t that intellectual….

Neil:   I’m touched.  Thank you… I think… 

I am not sure what I am more concerned about – that Sophia is on Lavalife looking for dates OR that this guy didn’t like my blog.