Hodel, oh Hodel,
Have I made a match for you!
He’s handsome, he’s young!
Alright, he’s 62.
Being a Yenta the Blogmatcher was WAY more complicated then I thought.  My apologies if you are not in one of the pairings. Some of you are easier to match up than others — and remember, I’m a newbie matchmaker. I’m hoping some of you will try to make some blog matches from your own readers either here or on your own site.
Matching bloggers is as every bit as difficult as matching a real couple. You want the pair to have common interests, but you don’t want them to be SO similar that there is no spark — no chemistry, as if they are brother and sister reading each other’s blogs. On the other hand, you just don’t want it to be all blog lust. Many bloggers begin a friendship by devouring each other’s words as passionately as lovers, but then it explodes when one blogger wants more of a “blogroll relationship” and the other just wants a “one post stand.”
I hope each person matched will try to read each other’s blog.
Neilochka’s Matches
Sarah (of The Delicious Life) is a sarcastic “food freak” from Los Angeles. Her adventures dining out at exotic restaurants are more like stories than restaurant reviews. Â
Deb (of Smitten Kitchen) is a food-lover in Manhattan. Deb thrives on being a hands-on gal who enjoys cooking and baking. One look at the photos of her soups and breads and you’re going to be starving.
Sarah, meet Deb. Deb, meet Sarah.

Bookfraud (of Bookfraud) is a self-described “struggling novelist facing middle age.” He loves reading the great masters and cursing at today’s hack writers who with their crappy novels (that sold).
The Humanity Critic (of Daily Views) lives in Virginia Beach and is the winner (along with Manjula) of the 2006 Black Weblog Awards for best writing.  The Critic loves to rant and rave about pop and hip hop.Â
This pairing may seem odd, but think Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy in “48 Hours.” Bookfraud and the Humanity Critic both skewer the pompous, and always with great humor.
Bookfraud, meet The Humanity Critic.  The Humanity Critic, meet Bookfraud.

Rachel (of Crisis Intervention Summit) is a British mother and writer. She presides over a staff of twenty at a bar. Since most of these bar girls are young, Rachel has become the “mother” figure. This is surprising, since Rachel can party as well as any twenty year old.
Chantel (of Uncharacteristically Sober) is a divorced mother of two from Portland who is “a cool cocktail mix with a serving of Lucille Ball, a splash of Carrie Bradshaw and a Mae West Twist.” She loves to enjoy life as much as Rachel, but has recently been thrust into talking to her children about “the birds and the bees.”
Rachel, meet Chantel.  Chantel, meet Rachel.

Paul (of Words for My Enjoyment) is a writer known for his quirky comic sense of humor and his outlandish post topics, such as “If I Was Your Sister’s Best Friend’s Brother’s Cousin’s Cell-Mate’s Overly-Enthusiastic And Partially Egotistical Tennis Instructor.”
Karla (of Karlababble) is a Texan Blogger who has a personality as big as a ten-gallon hat. Her interest include “spying on the elderly” and “poking children with sticks.”
I have a feeling that these two will drive each other crazy, which is part of the fun.
Paul, meet Karla. Karla, meet Paul.

Heather B (of No Pasa Nada) is a single JD Salenger-loving Washington DC resident who graduated college in 2005.  Now she’s figuring out what life is really all about post-college.
Girlgoyle (of Chronicles of Ed) dedicated 10 years to a man in a relationship that went kaput. She’s moved on and is now trying to figure out the mystery of love and sex.
Heather B, meet Girlgoyle. Girlgoyle, meet Heather.

CrankMama (of CrankMama) is what they call a mommyblogger, but not your ordinary mommyblogger. Her motto is “Good Mama, Bad Attitude.” Despite her role as “mom,” she doesn’t forget that she has a life outside of her kids.Â
Jenny (of Run Jen Run) is a vivacious single woman in the big city, sort of a like a modern Mary Tyler Moore, except this is in Chicago, Jenny is not as idealistic, and Jenny doesn’t have a hat to throw into the air. Her life is one funny adventure after another, much like Mary…
CrankMama, meet Jenny.  Jenny, meet CrankMama.

Eliza (of Elizaf) is a mother who lives in London and has a “wicked” sense of humor.  Although she loves her life, she sometimes gets restless and dreams of doing something a little more wild, such as fencing, like she did in college, or bungee jumping.
Karl (of Secondhand Tryptophan) is a divorced father living in Florida.  Recently, he turned 40 and undertook a serious of adventures to celebrate his new decade, one of them being jumping out of an airplane.
Eliza, meet Karl. Karl, meet Eliza.Â

Javacurls (of Somewhere in the Middle) is what we used to call in Queens a “hot-blooded Latina.”  Born in the Bronx, Javacurls never pictured herself living in Belgium with her husband! She loves travel, city life, and salsa music. She is an amazing photographer and dreams of becoming a professional.
Alison (of AliThinks) lived most of her life in France. She never pictured herself living with the love of her life in Kentucky! At first glance, Alison seems too “WASPy” for Javacurls, but Ali can surprise you, as evidenced by her recent piercings.  She is also a marvelous photographer.
Javacurls, meet Alison. Alison, meet Javacurls.

Dashiell (of Precogs)Â is a New Yorker (via Michigan) who is into politics and music.Â
Darling Nikki (of Imperfect Like Us) can be found “spinning some discs” on KZYX, a public radio station in Medocino County, California.
Dashiell, meet Darling Nikki. Darling Nikki, meet Dashiell.

Colleen (of Communicatrix) is a blogger from Los Angeles. Lately, her blog has gone into some rather odd territory, including a 21-day salute to cleaning her apartment.
Abby (of Girl With a One-Track Mind) is popular sex-blogger from the UK. Her posts are often about orgasms and f**k-buddies.Â
Colleen needs to be reminded that some things will always be messy and unorganized, such as sex.  Abby, who was recently “outed” after her book was published, could gain some management and business insights from Colleen.
Colleen meet Abby.  Abby, meet Colleen.

The PhoenixNYC (of Skinny Legs and All) is a New York blogger who has travelled the word and his “greatest achievement in life was to change and grow as time has gone on.” Just last week he went to a seminar where he studied with the Dalai Lama!
Modigli (of Modigli) is a teacher in San Deigo.  Since starting her blog, she has become increasingly political, bringing up issues that concern her.
Do I see a match made in Whole Foods?
The PhoenixNYC, meet Modigli. Modigli, meet The PhoenixNYC.

Sarcastic Fringehead is a writer in Dallas who loves literature and the Houston Astros. Fictional Rockstar is an academic-musician in Washington D.c. who loves literature and recently started loving the Washington Nationals.
Luckily, these two bloggers will never have to worry about their teams playing against each other in the playoffs, avoiding all arguments.
Sarcastic Fringehead, meet Fictional Rockstar. Fictional Rockstar, meet Sarcastic Fringehead.

Heather (of Dooce) is a popular SAHM who was raised as a Mormon and once lived in Los Angeles.
Neilochka (of Citizen of the Month) is known as a Jewish blogger from Los Angeles. He likes to match bloggers together in the hope of looking “noble and selfless” to his flighty readers, so they feel all guilty and don’t take him off their blogroll.Â
Heather, meet Neil. Neil, meet Heather.

Would anyone else like to take a shot at being a Yenta the Blogmatcher?
UPDATE:Â I’ve been so successful today, I’m adding some more:
Danny and 2 Blowhards — you should be reading each other.Â
Jessica, have you met V-Grrrl, a mother and American expatriate living in Belgium? V-Grrrl, can you believe that this knockout has teenage children?!
Sarcomical, you are a creative writer — have you met Eileen, who has her first novel coming out in February 2007? Eileen, you must check out Sarcomical’s wild photographic self-portraits.
Pearl, have you met Orieyenta, the coolest kosher babe in hot Miami? Orieyenta, have you met the hottest kosher babe in cold Toronto?Â
Felicity, I know you like taking NSFW photos of yourself, which made it difficult to pair you with someone, but I think you’ll really get along with the Argentine-born Mari, and enjoy her artwork, which is an “expression of feminine power in art.” Mari, I think you will be inspired by Felicity.
Kevin, I think you and Pete have similar senses of humor! Pete, you better start watching “24” if you want to click with Kevin!
Amanda and Jody — you have more in common than you know!
Deezee and Lynn — you both have poetry in your soul!
Schmutzie and Sarah — Have you never met? You’re like long-lost cousins!
Miss Sizzle, meet EEK.
Anomie-Atlanta, meet Akaky.
P.S. — Since we are on the subject of blogger love, here is one of the most moving acts I’ve seen on the blogosphere, proving that we’re not a bunch of narcissistic nuts –  over 200 knitting and crocheting bloggers have joined forces to make knitting squares on their own time for the sick grandmother of knitting blogging queen Laurie of Crazy Aunt Purl. If only Congress could be so organized.
A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month:Â A Walk Around the Block