Of all the blogging applications out there, developers forgot one important one — a quick and easy way for a reader to communicate to another blogger without writing a comment. Sometimes, I’m too frazzled to write a comment. Sometimes, I just don’t have anything intelligent to say. I’d love to be able to push a button on my keyboard and send an emoticon to my fellow blogger saying, “I love what you say, but I can’t comment right now because I need to work/have sex/wash the dishes/watch “Deal or No Deal.”
I just learned on Sarah’s blog, that this is “National De-lurking Week.” If you are a “lurker,” you are supposed to come out of the shadows and prove your worth. I wish I had this imaginary application for you, so you could easily communicate to me, but I guess we are stuck with the comment section.
Dear lurkers, I perfectly understand your reasons for not commenting on Citizen of the Month. I get tired of commenting on blogs myself. There are SO many blogs out there! I just hope it isn’t MY FAULT that you keep lurking away. Someone once told me that she never comments on my blog because some of the other commenters are too “clever” and she feels intimidated. Can you believe that? If you’re someone who regularly comments on this blog, could you do me a favor by revealing the truth about yourself: you are an idiot like everyone else… maybe even more so! Who else wastes their time blogging for no pay? There is not a reason in the world for anyone to be intimidated by you. C’mon, Citizen of the Month commenters, make my lurkers feel welcome.
A bigger danger is that a lurker is turned off by cliquishness of bloggers. I have a habit of writing about other bloggers as if they were my “friends” and it can make this blog seem quite in-groupy at times. Some newcomer might even think we all know each other. I hate it when I go to someone’s blog and I’m made to feel like an outsider. I’ll comment and… nothing. Not even a hello. I know… I know… we’re all guilty of that, including myself, but take note — there is no clique here at Citizen of the Month. I dislike everyone equally. I don’t really know anyone, and the ones that I’ve met in person, let’s just say, you wouldn’t want to. And Sophia says I need therapy! Hah, wait until she meets some of YOU! Honestly, I’m blogging for one reason — tits, big, small, I know some of you have them and it keeps me focused on my writing. (keep that in mind when you bid on me for that charity auction)
So, don’t be afraid of commenting because you feel like an outsider. I treat everyone the same here at Citizen of the Month. Well, except for the male bloggers. You’re useless.
So, Happy National De-Lurking Week, my lurking friends. Comment here — if you DARE, you anonymous pussies!