the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Favorite NYC Instagram Photos – Nov. 2011

November in NYC was balmy this year. I wore a t-shirt just two weeks ago, walking down Broadway. And then the tree went up in Rockefeller Center, the Christmas shoppers arrived, and winter finally arrived.  I like how the photos show a passage of time.

December is a month were we traditionally think about our plans for the upcoming year.   I have a ticket to return to Los Angeles on December 18th, which means, at least for the month of January, a return to the bright palette and frequently superficial lights of the West Coast.


  1. Varda (SquashedMom)

    You know what I think of your photography, my friend. Your eye continues to astonish. Beautiful images, all.

  2. Carrie

    Fabulous. Wow.

    You make me miss NYC. Bad. It was my very favorite layover when I worked for the airlines. Very favorite.

    You’re a lucky guy.

  3. Kara

    These photos are extraordinary!

  4. alejna

    These are so great. You’ve captured such cool moments.

  5. unmitigated me

    Last time you went for an extended stay in SoCal, I longed for your return, so I could see more of your instagrams of REAL people in NYC.

  6. Deven Werthman

    I envy your bi-coastalism. Have a great time.

  7. Megan

    You’ve got quite the knack for this street photography thing. Love the one with the cloud.

  8. Angella

    I love your NYC photos. Love.

    • Neil

      Thank you Angella.

  9. Magpie

    Nice. It looks like my city. Which, of course, it ts – but you see it well.

  10. anna ~ random handprints

    wow. these photos remind me of new york city of yesteryear, especially the woman ascending the stairs, old school all around…

  11. Flying Yenta

    Beautiful! Your pictures makes me nostalgic for the City. Luckily, I’m done with the West Coast for now, but understand what you mean about the different colors and lights out “west!”

  12. Danny

    Okay, it’s not the iPhone, it’s not the app, it’s you, you’re an amazing photographer! I hope you do the same photographic studies in L.A. (because we DO have real people here, too!).

  13. kim

    Fabulous! You have a great eye.

    It’s never the camera, it’s the photographer. I hate when people tell me, I love photos. You have such a great camera … pff!

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