the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

Car in Supermarket Window

I know I promised that I wouldn’t blog this week. Please accept my apologies. There was just some excitement downstairs at the local supermarket, and I wanted to show my mother at work my “eyewitness account” — so I figured the easiest way for her to see the photos was to post them on my blog.

Now go and read Rhea’s excellent guest post.


  1. Jenny, Bloggess

    Holy hell. Did that car back in to the window? It’s pointing the wrong way.

    Very confused and impressed.

  2. Chantel

    My Mom actually did this once but it was forward. How fast do you need to go to actually back that far into a building?

  3. Mary Beth

    Not only to get that far in the building but to go through those metal posts that I can only think are there to prevent cars from going through the windows. Glad to see they’re doing their job well.

  4. sarah g

    right. you doctored all of those images because you couldnt’ stay away! (we missed you too)

  5. blackbird

    Nice photo reporting.

  6. Kathy

    The same thing happened to the Mexican Restaurant across the street from my old apartment. I played eyewitness, and had I a blog then, I’d have come out of “retirement” too.

  7. kenju

    I hope no one was injured!

  8. piglet

    thanks for that breaking coverage. the fire/police-men in new york are very attractive.

  9. Dave2

    I am of the opinion that if you blog long enough, you WILL have an entry about a car crashing through a building. It’s an inevitability! Here’s mine…

  10. Los Angelista

    What you’re humbly not telling us it that the driver was distracted by your hotness, started trying to holler at you out the window and then backed into the store as a means of getting your attention, right?

  11. Finn

    This happens daily in Florida. *yawns*

  12. AnnieH

    #1. I love, love, love firemen
    #2. You are looking at my job security. Keep it comin’…mama’s gotta put food on the table.

  13. Neil

    Finn — that made me laugh. You mean all the seniors who shouldn’t be driving?

    Dave2– I think this may mean it is time to retire from blogging.

  14. John

    I was an eyewitness and this is not fake. I was in the store and heard a loud crashing noise. I first thought a huge crate of boxes fell or something but then thought the noise was too loud then I see people running up the counter and I saw the back of the car inside the store. I was there for five minutes and made sure the police and fire trucks came then I left. Something I will never forget. This is not a doctored photo but actually happed this morning.

  15. Tuck

    Nice looking apartment building in the background. Is that a Trump building?

  16. Sherendipity

    That’ll buff right out.

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