the writing and photography of Neil Kramer

We Say Tomato

Important Patio Update: What is even sweeter than the taste of a woman’s lips?

Eating the very first TOMATO that you grew by yourself!



A Year Ago on Citizen of the Month: A Croc of a Post


  1. Tuck

    You should go into the advertising business. I’m sensing Miracle-Gro.

  2. Neil

    We did use miracle-gro!

    Wait, Sophia just told me “we” didn’t.

  3. sizzle

    that’s a nice looking tomato. i’m not sure what looks tastier- sophia or the tomato though!

  4. Dave2

    I’ll take Sophia and leave you with the tomato…

  5. Dagny

    Oooo. Two tomatoes…

  6. Teebopop

    Am allergic to tomatoes but totally LOVE Sophia’s blouse. It’s so flattering and feminine. Do you mind asking her where she bought it? I love the gathering effect.

    I really wish I COULD eat tomatoes because that one looks so delicious!

  7. danielle

    so luscious! i ate the first tomato from “my” tomato plant today too. not that i had too much to do with its growth. it was not as large and beautiful as that yours however.

  8. Bre

    I’m sure that Sophia loves that second shot being on the internet

  9. Marilyn

    This just reminded me that I think we finally have one ready to be picked. Good job!

  10. wendy

    a little fresh mozzarella and some basil and balsamic….and you are in heaven my friend! Congrats!

  11. buzzgirl

    Tomato? What tomato? All I see is Sophia’s juggz.

  12. CiCi

    Awesome tomato Sophia & Neil – I’m jealous! It’s too hot here for the tomato plants to produce real well.

  13. sputnik

    Two words. Tomato. Sandwich. No. More than two words. Tomasto. and. lettuce. on. sourdough. toast.

  14. Michael

    Looks very nice and juicy and yes I am talking about the tomato!

  15. plain jane

    YOU grew this by yourself, huh? I bet Sophia would beg to differ.

  16. Neil

    Wendy, the tomato was great but it didn’t make a whole meal. So far, we only have one tomato. Probably the most expensive tomato I ever ate.

  17. Catheroo

    I would eat that tomato with a knife and fork, a la George Constanza with his candybar.

  18. Susan

    Dude. Homegrown tomatoes are so the most delicious things ever!

  19. Geeky Tai-Tai


  20. Kay Dennison

    Yum!!!! And Sophia is a doll! You’re a lucky man, Neil!!!!

  21. butterfly

    Hehehehe! Sputnik said, “Tomasto” — that’s a special tomato…with a lot of tasto!

    Viva la Tomasto!

    Your tomato looks delicious. The Miracle-Gro really worked on the boobage, too!
    😉 Vanessa

  22. tamarika

    Oy, Sophia is gorgeous! Now, in my humblest opinion, the best way to eat that tomato is on whole grain bread with *Marmite* and avocado. YUMMY!

    Oh yeah, and, in fact, I *do* say tomato …

  23. Ash

    That is one awesome tomato! Your patio is doing great!

  24. Nance

    Naturally, Sophia does not use Miracle-Gro. I’m betting “You” are organic patio farmers.

  25. NSC

    Ripe melons and tomato . . . three of my favorite things 🙂

  26. Amy K

    You two are so cute! 🙂 I hope you made a lovely meal out of that tomato and enjoyed each bite! Ditto on the question where Sophia’s blouse is from…

  27. Sophia

    It’s Sweet Pea by Stacy Frati.
    I love this blouse too and have another one just like that in fuschia. Not sure you can find it now, I’ve had them for a couple of years.

    Amazon and Norststrom carry Sweet Pea by Stacy Frati, as well as a lot of other places like Bluefly and EBay (just found it by googling).

  28. nelumbo

    Nothing like homegrown tomatoes! I have tried to post some pics of tomatoes lately, but blogger is acting up.

  29. Amy

    OH! Sophia you look so pretty! Congrats on the Tomato 🙂

  30. ingenue

    Sophia is a lovely model.

  31. question girl

    congratulations… one’s first grown food always tastes best

  32. teahouseblossom

    Hey, is that your patio? It looks like something out of a Martha Stewart magazine.

    I love tomatoes! So impressed that you got it to grow to that size without being chewed up by the birds. I’ve always had a problem with that..

  33. Alice

    mmmmmm now i want a tomato for lunch. i like eating them like apples when they’re nice and warm and fresh right out of the garden…

  34. churlita

    Was there a tomato in those pictures? How could you even pay attention to anything else when you put Sophia in the frame?

  35. amanda

    that’s awesome! and sophia looks phenomenal too!!

  36. Moviequill

    Two melons and a fresh tomato, quite the healthy snack Neil

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